Input File Syntax
The PRISM project utilizes the yaml file format to store reaction networks. The yaml file format was selected for its minimal syntax and wide support accross programming languages. The input file is broken up into blocks, the following are supported by PRISM.
Bibliography Block
Data Path Block
Custom Species Block
Lumped Species Block
Overrides Block
Rate Based Reactions Block
Cross Section Based Reactions Block
Bibliography Block
In the PRISM format every reaction is required to have at least one cite key associated with it. This blocks allows you to specify a bibliography file in which these cite keys exist.
The bibliograpy file must be in the BibTex format in order to better support documenting a reaction mechanism in .
This block only requires a single string which is the path from the location of the executable which is reading the input file to the bibliography file
bibliography: path/to/bib.bib
Data Path Block
To reduce the amount of user input requried, the PRISM project also supports the definition of a data path. This should be used if all the data files required for your network are stored in the same location. When defined the data path will be prepended to the file
parameter of every reaction in the file. It can be defined in the following manner.
data-path: path/to/data/
If we have a reaction which takes the file parameter like this
file: data.txt
The reaction object that is created will prvoide the path to the data file in the following manner.
Custom Species Block
The PRISM project provides the mass of all elements in the periodic table, and electrons. PRISM can compute the mass for any species (neutral or ionized) which is composed for elements in the periodic table based on this data. This data has been collected from the following sources Baum et al. (2010) and NCBIPCCD (2009).
However, we understand that in some cases users may need and or want to define a custom species or override the default mass provided for an element. When defining a custom species simply define the name and the molar mass of the neutral species with the following syntax.
- name: A
mass: 1
You may also define an arbitrary number of custom species. This is true for all blocks. In the sense that you can and often will have repeated entries in each block.
- name: [A, B, C]
mass: [1, 2, 3]
All custom species must have a name which begins with a capital letter.
Lumped Species Block
It a relatively common practice in plasma simulations to lump multiple excited states of a species into a single species. In this block you can define species present in reactions to be substituted with your lumped species. This allows users to retain all of the information in a reaction network while easily lumping excited states during calculations.
- lumped: N2*
actual: [N2(rotation), N2(vibration)]
With the lumped species block above the states N2(rotational)
and N2(vibrational)
will be substituded with N2*
when parsing the reactions which contain those excited states. You can also define an arbitrary number of lumped states.
- lumped: N2*
actual: [N2(rotation), N2(vibration)]
- lumped: O2*
actual: [O2(rotation), O2(vibration)]
When this is performed PRISM will first validate that the original reaction that you have provided is valid, then substitute the lumped states into the reaction and then re-validate with the lumped states in the reaction.
Override Block
Since we automatically generate tables for the reaction networks in the input file we understand that you may not be satisfied with the default representation of the species. In this block we allow you to define a custom representation that will override the default representation.
- species: N2(excited)
latex: N$_{2}\Delta)$
You can also define an arbitrary number of these overrides.
- species: [O^m, He^m, He2^m]
latex: ["O$^\\text{m}$", "He$^\\text{m}$", "He$_2$$^\\text{m}$"]
Reaction Block
The bulk of the inputs for a simulation will be in the reaction block. This is really two blocks to allow for cross section based reactions and rate based reactions in the same network. When using both the following syntax will be used. Note that this exact syntax is invalid and full reaction inputs must be provided.
- reaction: ...
- reaction: ...
- reaction: ...
- reaction: ...
Inputs can include both the rate-based
block, and the xsec-based
block. Either can also be used on its own. There is no need to define a rate-based
block if you do not have any rate based reactions in the network.
Reaction Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required? | Default Value |
reaction | The symbolic expression of the reaction see | string | always | N/A |
delta-eps-e | The change in energy of electrons | float | no | 0.00 |
delta-eps-g | The change in energy of the background gas | float | no | 0.00 |
file | The file where the tabulated data is stored | string | yes, if params is not provided | "" |
params | The parameters required for evaluation of the analytic expression | A float or a list of floats | yes, if file is not provided | [] |
reference | The cite keys for recources where the reaction came from | A string or a list of strings | always | N/A |
Reaction Rate/Cross Section Data
The PRISM project supports two main types of reactions. The first is reactions which have cross sections or reaction rates tabulated in files.
- reaction: Ar + e -> Ar* + e
delta-eps-e: 11.56
file: ar_excitation.txt
references: lymberopoulos1993fluid
notes: This is a test
The second is reactions which have an Arrhenius expression for their cross section or reaction rates given by
Parameter | Index | Units |
0 | m | |
1 | Unitless | |
2 | eV | |
3 | Unitless | |
4 | eV |
Where in the parameter row is the number of reactants in a reaction.
When using the provided sampling functions it is expected that the electron temperature and the gas temperature are given in [eV]. This is expected to be given in the form
- reaction: 2Ar* -> Ar+ + Ar + e
params: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
references: lymberopoulos1993fluid
You do not have to expliticty provide all of the parameters for a reaction which has data in an Arrhenius form. Any parameters which are not provided are assumed to be zero.
Example input files
For more complete examples of input files please checkout the inputs that are used for testing PRISM.
- E.M. Baum, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, and Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation.
Nuclides and Isotopes: Chart of the Nuclides.
KAPL, 2010.
ISBN 9780984365319.